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Discuss your party habits with the DJ

Hiring a DJ (Disk Jockey) is no longer a simple decision. With so many DJs to choose from, choosing a DJ can be a time consuming procedure. If you are looking for a DJ, here are a few tips to help you choose a DJ. Discuss your 'party habits' with the DJ DJs do more than just play music, a good DJ will take time to understand the mood of your guests, and will also try and play music that matches the ambience of your party. If you are planning a formal party and are the kind of person that hosts parties that are not about 'dancing on tables', make sure you let the DJ know clearly what type of party you are planning.

A good DJ should understand the details of the party you are hosting, the type of people that will be attending the party, and above all the kind of music you prefer at your parties. In fact, most DJs usually attend parties in tuxedos unless they are requested to dress casually for the occasion. Let the DJ know the occasion Contrary to popular belief, DJs usually take great pains in choosing music that matches the mood and occasion. For example, if you are planning a graduation party, a DJ will probably play music that matches the mood of younger listeners. The same holds true for wedding ceremonies, anniversaries and other social occasions. It is important to remember that the DJ will also get a rough idea of how long the party will last, and his rates can vary depending on the amount of time he is expecting to spend in the party.

Discuss the hourly rates in advance Most DJs have hourly rates that vary depending on the date, occasion and the amount of time that will be spent in the party. A good DJ will take into account all the factors before offering a final rate, if possible discuss a flat rate for the evening instead of negotiating on an hourly basis. Before paying an exorbitant amount for the DJ, make sure that you take into account the reputation and the quality of equipment that the DJ is offering. Although last minute failures are extremely rare, it is important that you discuss any equipment related concerns with the DJ before hiring him/her. Keep in mind that the hourly rates will vary from DJ to DJ, and a reputed DJ can charge upwards of $2000 for a single event. It is vital that you keep your budget in mind while hiring a DJ and you should discuss your budget with the DJ before you start negotiations.

Most experts recommend speaking to the DJ face to face, this will allow you to discuss your plans and requirements with the DJ and will give you a better idea if you can work with the DJ. If you are not comfortable with the DJ, shop around for more options till you find what you are looking for. Other pointers Don't assume that you will find a DJ at the last moment. Popular DJs are usually booked months in advance, and you should make sure you have done your homework before assuming that you will find a DJ. Some DJs require a small retainer fee that needs to be paid at the time of booking, so make sure you are prepared for a small payment before hand. Always keep your options open, and make sure you have researched the various options that are available, don't restrict yourself to popular DJs.

Remember, there is a difference between popularity and quality. If you have to pay a little extra to get a quality DJ, don't hesitate as it might be the difference between music and cacophony. For more information, and to hire a DJ visit www.


Jeremy Dawes is the author of this article on DJ hire FAQ. Find more information about DJ Hire here.


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